The 100 Day
Venture Marketing Plan

Like venture capitalists, or angel
investors, we understand that the
world is a complicated place, full of
uncertainty. You have to invest in
many things before you land on the
one that works.

10 Steps to Change your Marketing. Forever. 

BH&P are creative venture marketeers.

We work with organisations that have purpose – a vision, a sense of why.

So, we have developed a step by step plan to build a great 100 day venture marketing plan for a roadmap to success. 

What are you waiting for?

Skin in the Game

Our venture marketing escalator works on a simple principle.

When our clients are “all in”, then so are we. We’ll forfeit 50% or more of our agency fees, in return for a share of incremental revenue.

See our venture marketing model to find out more.




Real, Unique,

Not scraped, plagiarised content designed to move you up the Google rankings.

Original thinking, journalistic research, big ideas.

See what services we offer. 




Need Great Marketing?

Get in touch and get creative.

Our philosophy of doing good work to help clever businesses grow, and of supporting non-profits on their growth journey, has earned us the trust of smart, hard-working clients.