Introducing Reading UK's new Board Member
Congratulations are due to our very own Managing Director, Becky Holland, who has recently been appointed to the Reading UK Board of Directors.
Reading UK is an organisation founded to help boost business activity in Reading and uplift the dynamic cultural and social offering of the city.
Its Board of Directors includes the University of Reading, Reading Borough Council and leading figures in the retail, planning, transport, sport, hospitality, property, media, education and business consultancy sectors in Reading.
Re-energising Reading post-COVID-19
Unfortunately, there are real challenges facing Reading and the Thames Valley in the coming months on an economic, social and cultural level.
For that reason, Becky will bring her extensive expertise and insight to help with plans to re-energise the city post-COVID-19.
She explains what being appointed means to her:
It’s a real privilege to be appointed to the Board of Reading UK. I’m keen to contribute what I know about building brands, about resilience and recovery, to help Reading mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, plan for the future, and to support the long-term recovery of this incredible, innovative and vibrant city.
Under these particular circumstances, it’s more important than ever to foster a tight-knit community of businesses; the recovery period for Reading will be challenging without the collaboration and support of this community.
We are delighted to have Becky in a position to offer expertise on building brand strength and business planning in this critical period – we look forward to seeing the output from Reading UK in the coming months.
BH&P is Reading’s creative agency
We are well-placed to offer guidance to businesses in the Thames Valley and beyond as a full-service creative and inbound marketing agency based in Reading.
With an emphasis on the principle that it’s “idea everything, media anything”, BH&P works strategically with clients to deliver creative work that changes behaviour.
From film and radio, to brand development, digital, social and content, we are extremely versatile, and able to call on a partner network spanning the Thames Valley and further afield.
We also have a wide-ranging client base, including The British Business Bank, Rosetta Stone, Crimestoppers Trust and Woodsford TradeBridge amongst others.
Each of our clients shares a common desire - to be truly creative, to do great work, and to find the positive.
We’re the retained agency partner for The British Business Bank and have recently updated and relaunched The Business Finance Guide to help businesses in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. BH&P has also managed the launch of the CBILS loans scheme on behalf of the bank.
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